The Best Promise in the Bible

By Ryan Dawson

What is the best promise in the Bible?  

The answer is probably up for discussion but one of my favourites is Romans 8:28.  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  In this one verse we see four profound truths that will change our life is we take them to heart.

1) God works…  God is always working behind the scenes even if we don’t see it or understand what He is doing.  Jesus said:  “My Father is always at work and so too am I."  John 5:17.   We can trust that God is working even when we don’t comprehend all that He is doing.

2) God never stops working for our good…  Our Heavenly Father is always looking out for us and He is working for our good.  This doesn’t mean He is necessarily working for our comfort, pleasure, or entertainment, but He is orchestrating things that will help us know Him better, and grow to become more like Jesus Christ.  Since God is the Ultimate Good, we know that His work will also be good, and for our good.

3) God uses all things for our good…   The Greek word Paul uses for “all things” is panta, which we get words like panoramic (a wide or sweeping view surrounding the observer), or panacea (a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases), or pandemic (a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world).  God doesn’t just work through a few things, good things, or easy things – He works through ALL THINGS for our good.  The cross of Jesus highlights this incredible truth.  Because God is sovereign He can use panoramas and pandemics for His good purposes.  As a result, we can trust that God will bring very good things from the very challenging circumstances we face in life.

4) God works for the good of those who love Him…  God is sovereign over all things, including the righteous and the unrighteous, but He specifically exercises His providence (governing the universe) in a way that works out best for those who pursue God.  From this truth we can know with complete certainty, that regardless of what happens in our life, we are secure in the hands of our living and loving God.  

So, stand on this promise today – God is Good and He is working for your Good!

In His Loving Grip, Ryan
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