For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
From the beginning, God has brought people to Sequoia who share a desire to live out their faith in meaningful and tangible ways. Our desire is to be a vibrant and life-giving church that helps people experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ throughout the National Capital Region, across Canada, and around the world. You might be asking, "How Can I Serve?"
Serving Opportunities
Impact Communities
Our Impact Communities are designed to take ownership to share good news in their communities by initiating and implementing various projects. These can include things like a Movie's in the Park, street parties, community service, and many other initiatives. IC's are the primary place where each person serves.
Sunday & Beyond
Sequoia provides many opportunities for people to serve together, as the corporate church, on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. If you are interested in serving in any of these areas, fill out the form below.
Local Impact
Sequoia has always been committed to being a dynamic, caring, and committed partner in our community. In order to maintain the many relationships we have developed, as well as, nurture new ones, Sequoia with the support of the Community Team, is committed to being involved in a few church-wide local events per year. This includes both our Community Team Events (Movies in the Park, Big Give, Canada Day, Christmas Outreach, Sequoia Fun Cruiser), as well as, several Impact Community Projects each year that reach out and help those in our community who may need help and support.
Global Impact
Sequoia is committed to helping fulfill the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20. "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
The International Missions Team at Sequoia is committed to help our church fulfill this mandate by providing missions training and cross-cultural opportunities for Sequoia disciples to respond in obedience to Jesus' call to go to the world. Areas that Sequoia regularly contributes to include Dominican Republic (Working with churches and other NGO's on the ground), Senegal, West Africa (Helping reach unreached people groups), El Salvador (Working with orphanages and schools) and Youth Mission (Training the next generation in global missions).
The International Missions Team at Sequoia is committed to help our church fulfill this mandate by providing missions training and cross-cultural opportunities for Sequoia disciples to respond in obedience to Jesus' call to go to the world. Areas that Sequoia regularly contributes to include Dominican Republic (Working with churches and other NGO's on the ground), Senegal, West Africa (Helping reach unreached people groups), El Salvador (Working with orphanages and schools) and Youth Mission (Training the next generation in global missions).

Church Planting
Sequoia has been honoured to be part of helping support and plant Good News Community Church - a vibrant Vietnamese community of faith that exists to Love God, Love People, Grow in Christ, and Share the Good News.