A Prayer to Remember

By Ryan Dawson

This week we take time to honour all those who have served and continue to serve so that we can live in freedom.  We thank God for the men and woman who have given sacrificially so that we can live in a country that is strong and free.  Please take time this week and especially on November 11th to remember and give thanks for these brave souls who gave so much so we can enjoy the gift of life as we know it.  And remember to wear your poppy as a symbol of respect, honour, and gratitude.  Below is a prayer that can guide your thoughts as you reflect and remember.  
With a heart of gratitude, Ryan

Almighty God, Upon the cross, sorrow and pain and every dreadful, tragic consequence of sin was overcome by your sacrifice made in love.  We remember your sacrifice today.  

Today we also remember all those who have joined in that sacrifice for peace and justice. We give thanks for the bravery of men and women who have served for harmony and love, and we thank you for those who have given their lives so that we might enjoy freedom.  We are humbled by their commitment and their sacrifice, and we thank you that each one was precious to you.  

We pray for those who continue to serve and place themselves in harm's way, in order that peace and harmony might be achieved in our day. We pray that you would give these men and women courage and strength, and that you would bless them with an awareness of your presence.  We pray for their families that you would have your good hand upon them and sustain them in seasons of separation and concern.  

And in a world that is still torn and broken we declare that Jesus is Lord. The hope of Jesus overcomes despair, the joy of Jesus overcomes sorrow, the peace of Jesus overcomes hostility, and the love of Jesus overcomes hate. From the tomb, the promise of eternity emerged in the resurrected Christ. Grace was poured into the hearts of all those who suffer, mourn and grieve. Lord, we lift our hearts to you, and we continue to remember, to hope and to love, while we wait for your return to set all things right.

We ask that you empower us to be sent out as beacons of peace in a dark world of conflict.  Make us instruments of peace for whoever we meet and wherever we go.  Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust, from hate to love, from war to peace, and help us inspire others to do the same for your glory.  We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus – our Prince of Peace, Our Lord and Saviour, Amen.