God is Moving in Dubai

By Aaron Richert

It’s been just over five years since our family left Sequoia to go serve Jesus in the Middle East.  

When we first heard of the strategic opportunity to reach people from all over the world who go live in Dubai for a short season of their lives, we were really excited. But we couldn’t imagine what God had in store for us to be a part of!

When we first arrived in Dubai, we thought we would need to go find people to share Christ with—but what God was already doing was incredible. He was using a megachurch… in the Middle East… to draw people to himself, to form his people in Christlikeness, and to prepare them to bring the gospel around the world!  Who would’ve thought?!

So for the past 4 years we have partnered with an amazing church, Fellowship Dubai, to join in on what God has been doing.  We are a church serving around 5000 people each week from over 120 nations, meeting in two hotels in Dubai.  And God is on the move!

Every week new people attend our services who have never attended a church in their lives. Hardly a week goes by where we don’t have a group of people being baptized in the Arabian gulf!  

And honestly, we aren’t doing anything fancy—we don’t have any spectacular preachers—we are simply seeking to be faithful to every opportunity God gives us to help people find and follow Jesus. And God’s Spirit is doing the rest.

I often find myself praying the Lord’s prayer as I drive through Dubai, just as Jesus taught us: “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  It’s clear that Jesus desired for his Kingdom to come more and more throughout the earth, just as it is in heaven—it’s what we, his disciples, are to desire, to pray for, to seek, and to work for.  

And sometimes the harvest field is ripe—like it currently is in Dubai—and we see incredible fruit. But sometimes the fields seem like hard soil—and people aren’t as receptive to the gospel.  But I’m reminded being in Canada these past couple weeks that no matter the context or situation, our mission doesn’t change.  God’s Kingdom is to remain our number one priority in life. We are to be faithful—God is the One who brings the fruit.

I’m excited to join you this coming Sunday to share with you some more of what we see God doing in Dubai right now. We want you to be encouraged that indeed, God is on the move in powerful ways in the world—and I pray you’ll be inspired to look for ways to pursue God’s Kingdom and to join in what He wants to do here in Ottawa this coming year!

See you Sunday,

Aaron Richert

Note:  Aaron served at Sequoia as an Associate Pastor for 6 years before they were called to Dubai.  Aaron is married to Tessa and they have 3 children, Eva (12), Kaden (11), and Ashton (8).  Sequoia is honoured to partner with the Richert's in their ministry and Aaron will be sharing and update this Sunday (July 28) in our in-person service.

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