Preparing for Takeoff

By Ryan Dawson

It might surprise you, but the worst aviation disaster occurred on the ground.  In 1977 a KLM 747 was taking off from Los Rodeos Airport on Tenerife Island when it crashed into a Pan Am 747 on the runway.  The ensuring explosion killed all 248 passengers on the KLM flight and 335 of the 396 passengers on the Pan Am flight.  The investigation into the crash revealed that it was caused by pilot error and could have been avoided by a few small adjustments. Studies reveal that more aviation accidents happen during takeoff then in the air, revealing how important it is to have a successful takeoff.  

The Fall season is a sort of “takeoff” for most of us.  After the joy of summer season, we resume our regular patterns of work, school, kids activities, sports, and recreation.  It is important to properly prepare for this season to ensure we have a successful takeoff.  I want to give you a few adjustments that can help you have a successful takeoff.  

1) Do First things First.  C. S. Lewis wisely said:  “Put first things first and we get second things thrown in: put second things first and we lose both first and second things.”  You will need to prioritize the most important things in your life, or you risk being held hostage by your schedule.   If you prioritize the most important things you will find you have time for the less important things as well.  Taking time each day to invest in your relationship with Jesus Christ, by reading and reflecting on God’s Word and to commune with Him through prayer is the key to everything else.   The Amplified Bible records the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:33 this way:  “But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.”  

2) Breathe Spiritually.  As a follower of Jesus you have the Spirit of God living within you.  Surrender to the Holy Spirit and allow the Spirit of Jesus to fill you and empower you moment by moment.  Exhale the impure things in your life through confession and repentance and Inhale the resurrection power of Christ, by asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.  This ensures that we are surrendered to the loving leadership of Christ as we move through our day.  Ephesians 5:18  “And don’t get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless actions, but be filled by the Spirit.”   

3) Take time to Rest.  Sabbath is not being finished, but saying “I’m finished.”  You will need to choose to rest and take Sabbath time with God, because no one will do this for you.  There is a reason God modeled this for us during creation and it wasn’t because He needed to rest; it was because we need to rest.  You may even need to build in extra rest time if you know you have a particularly full schedule at some point in the Fall.  

4) Build in Margin.  Ensure you build margin into your calendar.  So often we try to max out every second of every day so we are running ragged, and we have no time for the unexpected things that come up.  (I really struggle with one!) This leaves us feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and spread way to thin.  When we have no margin we often miss when God shows up and we tend to squander opportunities to proclaim and demonstrate His love and grace to the world.  A helpful tip is to actually plan in margin as appointments in your day, week and month so that you have time to do the things that you didn’t foresee.  

5) Watch your Gauges.  Gauges on our car dashboards help us know when something is wrong with our vehicle.  Watch your gauges.  Are you sleeping enough, eating healthy, getting regular exercise, taking time for important relationships, spending time alone with God each day? My experience has been that when I ignore one or more of these gauges I’m setting myself up for a crash.

6) Don’t fly alone.  We need each other and it is a gift to have others in our lives who encourage us and support us as we walk through life.  The journey is not easy, but we are not alone.  God has given us His Holy Spirit and the Church (the people of God) to help us navigate all that we encounter.  So, ensure you are well connected to others in our Sequoia family.  The Fall would be a great time to join an Impact Community or recommit to engaging in this way with others pursuing Christ.  We also want to encourage you to reach out to our pastoral team if you need help in some way.  We are here for you!  

7) Enjoy the Journey.  Life is not about the destination but the journey.  Slow down and take time to walk in the woods, gaze at the stars, enjoy a latte, talk with a friend, enjoy a family meal, or read a good book.  Remember that life is a gift and God wants us to enjoy the journey as we walk with Him.  John 10:10b (Amplified) “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).”

I pray that God will meet you as you prepare for takeoff this Fall.  

For Christ and His Kingdom, Ryan

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