A Shield of Love

By Ryan Dawson

Do you ever feel weighed down by the pain and brokenness in life?  I know I do.  Sometimes it feels like we are faced with a relentless storm of tests and trials that threaten to rip us from our moorings.  We see these storms of brokenness all around us; coming in the form of sickness, death, addiction, struggling marriages, strained relationships, loneliness, sadness, and pain.  When we focus on these issues it can leave us feeling overwhelmed and without hope.  So what are we to do with all this?  Where can we go to find shelter in the midst of these relentless storms of life?  

Psalm 5 speaks into this reality with powerful clarity.  The Psalmist, likely David, is aware that there is a battle between good and evil raging all around him.  He finds himself in the midst of this battle and he is “groaning” (v. 1) under the weight of this storm.  He sees evil, injustice, and brokenness all around him and he has no way to solve these issues.  David recognizes that God is holy and good, and so he turns in worship towards the LORD.  Then he pens these words:  

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;
    let them sing joyful praises forever.
Spread your protection over them,
    that all who love your name may be filled with joy.  For you bless the godly, O LORD;
    you surround them with your shield of love.  Psalm 5:11-12  

This is a beautiful picture that doesn’t answer all the “Why” questions we have about life and the storms we face, but it does reveal who is with us in the midst of these storms.

Picture an eagle with its young.  Eagle nests are exposed to the elements and often high in a tree or rock cropping, on the edge of a large body of water.  When the storms come they batter these nests with fury and intensity.  When this happens the adult eagle spreads it’s wings over it’s young, to protect and shield them from the elements.  This is a great picture of what God does for us when we seek refuge under His loving care.  

So regardless of what storms you are facing today know that you are loved, and there is shelter under the wings of the Almighty.  In the midst of your storm, seek the LORD and praise Him for who He is as your Saviour and King.  When you seek Him in that place you will be filled with joy and the grace of the God will rest on you in unmistakable ways.  God will be a shield of love to you!  This won’t necessarily stop the tempest, but it will provide you with what you need, to endure and overcome these storms, for your good and God’s glory.

Blessings, Ryan