Cultivate a Thriving Marriage

By Ryan Dawson

I have often thought that if there should be one significant difference between Christ followers and those who do not follow Christ, it would be in the arena of marriage.  With the principles of God’s Word at our disposal and the power of the Holy Spirit within us, we should, as Christians have vibrant Christ-centred relationships that are filled with love, grace, and joy – and this includes our marriages. Sadly, this is often not the case, as we continue to see marriages struggle, dissolve, or fail to thrive, within the family of God.  It is also true that many people in our communities are struggling with strained marriages, or they want to have better marriages, and they don’t know where to go for answers.  So, what can we as Christians do to prepare for marriage, strengthen our marriages, and reach out to those around us who are looking for help but have nowhere to turn?  

The upcoming Marriage Course is a great way to answer these concerns.  This 7-week video film series produced by Alpha provides some very relevant content, in a way that is helpful for both Christians and not-yet Christians.  The course addresses the important issues that can unlock a healthy and fulfilling marriage and give you the opportunity to work together with your spouse in the comfort of your own home.  The principles contained in this course will help you live out Romans 12:10 (NLT) “Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other.”  

Vanessa and I have attended many marriage conferences and seminars in the past 30 years, and this is the best course we have seen to date. We would encourage everyone that is currently married, preparing for marriage, would like to be married, or knows someone who wants a better marriage, to sign up for this course that starts on Oct. 17 and runs through Dec.7.  The Marriage Course could change your life or someone that you know!  The registration details are on the Sequoia App and website.  We hope to see you there!  

Blessings, Ryan