Living the Great Commission

By Ryan Dawson

The final words of Jesus to His disciples in Matthew 28:16-20 serve as a powerful call to action for all Christ-followers:  

Matthew 28:16-20 (NLT) Then the eleven disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him—but some of them doubted!  18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

This is referred to as the Great Commission and we spoke about this on Sunday in our Marks of a Great Church series.  This passage is not just a directive for the original disciples but a mission for every believer and every church. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to make more disciples, teaching and guiding others in the way of Christ.  But what does it truly mean to be a disciple, and how can we live out this mission daily?

• Disciples love Jesus as ultimate:  A true disciple finds their identity in Christ, not in their career, relationships, or worldly success. When we become a disciple of Jesus, God becomes our ultimate priority, and the love of Christ shapes our lives.

• Disciples learn to obey Jesus’ commands:  Obedience is not optional for a disciple. It is a natural response to a loving relationship with God. Jesus made it clear that those who love Him will obey His commands (John 15:9-17). This obedience is not to earn God's love, but it is our response to God’s love.

• Disciples live in vital union with Jesus:  Christ is "Immanuel, God with us." Being a disciple means growing in oneness and communion with God through spiritual rhythms, practicing His presence, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and growing in the discipline of prayer.

• Disciples reproduce themselves:  Disciples of Jesus help others find and follow Jesus. In this sense to be a disciple is to be a “multiplying disciple” as we trust God to help us impact others for Christ.

Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19 is clear: "Go and make disciples…”  The word "go" implies movement, an ongoing process as we journey through life.  It’s Jesus saying, “while you are going through your life make disciples of Me”.  Making disciples isn’t confined to a mission trip or church event; it happens in everyday life—wherever we live, work, play, and go.

A disciple is someone who follows Jesus, learns from Him, becomes like Him, and engages in His mission to help others find and follow Christ. This call is for all believers, and it is the mission of the Church, and the mission of Sequoia.  

Jesus also commands us to “make disciples of all nations."   Jesus' commission extends beyond our immediate communities to the entire world. With 41.2% of the global population considered unreached, the need to take the Gospel to every tribe and nation is urgent. We are called to have a global heart, caring for those who have never heard the name of Jesus.  We also have an amazing opportunity right now to reach the nations where we live because God has brought so many New Canadians to our region.   Whether through prayer, outreach to international communities, learning about global missions, giving to missionaries, or going ourselves, we all have a role to play in God's global mission.  

A Great Church will emphasize the Great Commission, so what can we do to help fulfill the Great Commission?  

1. Commit to being a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Before leading others, we must ensure we are actively following Christ in our own lives.  We can’t give what we don’t have.  

2. Commit to making disciples in our daily life.
  • Be a friend and build relationships with people where you live, work, play and go.
  • Invite someone into your home, to a Sequoia worship service, or to your Impact Community gathering.
  • Take the opportunity to pray with a friend who needs help in some way.
  • Invest in the next generation through our Sequoia Kids Ministry or Youth Ministry.
  • Look for opportunities to share how Jesus has made a difference in your life with people you encounter.
  • Express God’s love to others in some tangible way through acts of kindness and service.  
  • Challenge others to explore the person of Jesus Christ by reading the Gospel of John or doing the Alpha Course.  
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see where God is working so you can join Him there.

3. Commit to God’s global mission.
  • Pray for God to raise up global laborers and for open hearts to the Gospel.
  • Engage with new Canadians and international communities around you.
  • Learn about missions through resources like the Perspectives Course.
  • Support global missionaries who are making a difference.
  • Consider going on a short-term mission trip.  

The Ripple Effect of Discipleship
Imagine a calm lake in the early morning. When a rock is thrown into the water, ripples spread outward, impacting everything in their path. This is what happens when we give ourselves fully to Christ and His mission. Our obedience to Jesus creates a ripple effect, transforming lives, families, neighborhoods, and ultimately the world.

At Sequoia, we dream of seeing disciples making disciples, families restored, communities engaged, and the Gospel reaching the ends of the earth. This vision begins with each of us choosing to follow Jesus wholeheartedly and stepping out in faith to make disciples.  What is God calling you to do today? How can you be part of His mission to make disciples?  Let’s commit to living out the Great Commission, knowing that Jesus is with us always, even to the very end of the age.

For Christ and His Kingdom,  Ryan